
Adult Academic Services

We are here to help.

Office Hours

Office Hours

  • Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (remote office hours on Friday)


Phone: 860.768.5287


We provide support in the following services:

  • Part-time University Studies programs, including the Associate in Arts in Liberal Arts, the Bachelor of Arts in University Studies, 理学副学士和大学研究文学学士,律师助理研究方向, 以及大学研究蒙台梭利教育专业的文学学士学位
  • 证书课程(医学预科、律师助理和计算机科学)
  • Alpha Sigma Lambda的Beta Psi Alpha分会,一个全国性的成人兼职学生荣誉社团
  • Coordinating testing and alternative credit options: CLEP, DSST, distance exams and the LINCS portfolio assessment program
  • 为所有本科课程的非入学兼职学生提供一般立博网站中文版

请注意:如果你是一个非录取/非学位的学生(一个学生没有正式接受进入学位课程),那么请联系 Center for Student Success.


Programs Designed for Adult Students

Students at Commencement

To learn more, check out our Program Explorer and the Graduate Course Catalog.



立博体育官网是由康涅狄格州高等教育委员会和新英格兰高等教育委员会认证的. Individual schools and programs carry additional accreditations. For more information on accreditation, please click here.

Honors Options

毕业荣誉授予在立博体育官网住校期间至少修满45个学分的大学研究生. 累计平均绩点达到3分的学生以优异成绩授予学士学位.25 or above, magna cum laude on students whose cumulative GPA is 3.5 or above, and summa cum laude on students whose GPA is 3.75 or above. 通过或未通过的课程不计入45学分的最低要求.

大学荣誉课程是为学术上进的学生设计的,提供丰富的课程和额外的学习经验. 完成荣誉课程要求的学生将在他们的文凭上注明大学荣誉.

For more information visit the University Honors Program.

The Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society 成立于1946年,以表彰优秀的奖学金和领导的成年学生. To be eligible for the University of Hartford's Beta Psi Alpha Chapter, students must have senior status, 必须在该大学的本科学位课程中获得至少24学分的学分, and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a scale of 4.0. 符合条件的学生被邀请加入,并在每年的春季入选.

有关大学Beta Psi Alpha分会的更多立博网站中文版,请联系分会协调员, Kellie Westenfeld.

Alternative Forms of Credit and Testing

立博体育官网允许从考试和其他学分来源获得的有限学分计入本科学位. 学生应该向招生办公室和他们的大学评估人员咨询有关学位课程要求和限制的具体立博网站中文版.

美国教育委员会评估大学学分等效性的非学术培训项目. 培训项目,而不是大学或学生个人,发起评估请求. 立博体育官网在评估非传统学生转学时,会考虑ACE成绩.

ACE Credit Recommendation Guide

The CLEP Program, developed by the College Entrance Examination Board of Princeton, 是基于一种假设,即许多人的知识比他们的教育记录所显示的要多. By taking CLEP exams, people can gain academic recognition for what they know and can do, regardless of how or where their knowledge was acquired. As of December 2011, the University of Hartford no longer administers the CLEP exam on site; however, 大学继续接受CLEP学分的转学,以帮助学生达到学位要求.


  • Verify course credit. Before registering to take an exam, 与你的导师和大学评估人员核实,确保课程的学分可以应用到你的学位课程中,这一点很重要.
  • Check the College Board website for more information on the tests, course equivalencies at the University of Hartford, test study guides, and test center locations.
  • Register for the exam at the center that offers the most convenient time and place for you.
  • Request that CLEP scores be sent to the University of Hartford. 当你在考试当天登录电脑时,你将有机会这样做. The University’s test code is 3436. 从考试开始到需要将学分显示在立博体育官网成绩单上,学生应该留出至少三周的时间.

Equivalents at University of Hartford

个别院系可以为立博体育官网的学生提供考试学分选择. 这个选项允许学生通过综合考试来获得特定课程的学分.

Process for Earning Credit through Credit by Exam

  • Student discusses possibility of credit by exam with professor.  If the professor agrees, then student proceeds.
  • Student completes the Application for Admission to Credit by Examination
  • 学生拿一份提供课程的部门的复印件,并获得提供课程的部门主席和该部门所在学院院长的签名.
  • Student takes their signed copy of the Application to the Center for Student Success and pays the appropriate fee.


立博体育官网的投资组合挑战项目允许学生在学术环境之外的学习中获得学分. Basically, LINCS要求学生记录与大学提供的特定课程相关的学习情况. Please contact Kellie Westenfeld for more information.

从其他学院转来的学分首先由本科招生办公室评估. Even though transfer credit has been accepted by the Admissions Office, 学生必须与他们的大学评估人员核实,以确定学分将如何应用于他们的学位课程.

Meet the Team

Kellie Westenfeld
Division of Graduate and Professional Studies

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Regina C. Graziani
Program Director
Division of Graduate and Professional Studies
Paralegal Studies

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Sharron D. Dillon
Program Manager
Paralegal Studies

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Paige Bray
Chair, Department of Education; Director of Early Childhood Education & Montessori Studies; Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education & Montessori Studies

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